About Me


I am Alexis LAURIER and I'm a fullstack IT engineer in Lyon, France. I help company in their IT project by designing, building and putting in production innovative, permanent and highly customized solutions.

I have studied Software and Network in Telecom Saint Etienne which is a selective engineering School in Saint Etienne, France. To be accepted, I have done preparatory classes in Math and Physics (MPSI - MP) after my Math/Physics baccalaureate. My work can be done in English or in French.

My work aims to be long-term oriented : it must fulfill today needs and be able to evolve to your future needs.

Human values

  • Transparency : always expose limits and risky area of my work

  • Collaborative Work : suppleness, benevolence, exchange, mutual transparency

  • Honesty : being honest with my customers

  • You stay independent : I give you all information without keeping any secrets

  • Quality : I work well to make my work perfect

  • My gratification : an ended project that fills all your need with quality

Technical Rules

  • First : security of your data and your application

  • Go further with you and do not let unexplored details before building your project

  • Keep It Simple And Smart : more than a quote, a way of working

  • Respect the licenses of products and libraries used in your project - open-source or not

  • Not reinvent the wheel : if exist, use maintained and quality technologies to fulfill parts of your needs.

  • Speed and rashness are incompatible

My Services

Your partner for enterprise IT

My skills are large in order to be the architect and main speaker of your project. If my work is limited to a part of your project, these skills are useful to improve quality of my work and so of your project.

In addition, I can install your server and build your network infrastructure.

Front-end development
Back-end development
Design / Manage your IT project
ERP/CRM Dolibarr
Dolibarr/Collaborative Tools/VueJS training
Collaborative Cloud Tools
Hybrid Mobile App
Showcase Website
ERP/CRM Consultant
IT outsourcing
Web Infrastructure set up
Enterprise Network
Statistics of Website
BI analysis of your data
Video surveillance

My Tools

Community solution in priority, by belief and modernity
Always happy to discover new though solutions...

Working Together

Suppleness and efficiency

My goal is to work in total collaboration with my customers and to integrate myself to the culture of the enterprise to fully understand their work. I want to work with confidence with them by respecting their values and needs.

I can work at your own place or by telecommuting. My objective is to find the best way of working for each project to make my work the most effective possible. My knowledge can be used in new formats. I have the skills to adapt myself in any situations.


  • Physical and software installation of your infrastructure and put into production

  • Coding parts or the whole project

  • Design, Modelization, Technical and Functional Specifications of your project

  • Specification of your project

  • Writing documentation

  • Training

Work Form

  • Work into your office - short and long duration

  • Telecommuting work

  • Workshop days

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“Keep It Simple and Smart”

“Faire compliqué c’est simple, faire simple c’est très compliqué. ”

It seems that perfection is attained not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing more to remove